Do you struggle to remember small, but important, pieces of information over the course of your week?
Good news: you can teach yourself to keep the details about your day at hand.
TheMuse provides three strategies that are easy to integrate into your day that will greatly assist you when you try to recall critical pieces of information (like that co-worker whose name you always forget, or that phone number for the place with great take-out).
Now, we hope you enjoy another great set of links and articles that we shared with you over the past week on our crowdspring Twitter account (and on Ross’s Twitter account). We regularly share our favorite posts on entrepreneurship, small business, marketing, logo design, web design, startups, leadership, social media, marketing, economics and other interesting stuff! Enjoy!
Companies that hire technical talent only from the top schools live in the middle ages. Here’s the data that shows why they should look more broadly and hire from a bigger … Read the full article